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MXGP China - Rider Comments

MXGP China - Rider Comments

Sep 16

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There was only one winner last weekend in the MXGP class and it was a HUGE win for defending World MXGP champion, Jorge Prado, who dominated, destroyed and then devoured five time World motocross champion, Tim Gajser. It was typical Prado, no mistakes, smooth as silk and a big Spanish smile on the podium. Yes, if we didn't already know he was an all-time great, we saw it in China last weekend. Here are the rider comments from the event.

Jorge Prado: "The MXGP of China is done, and it was a great weekend for me. I went P1 in practice, then finished second in Moto 1 and first in Moto 2. It was very tough physically - very humid, with high temperatures. After the first moto, I gave it my all and focused on finishing the weekend as strong as possible. We did that, and now we have the red plate and a seven-point lead with one round left. This gives us a dream opportunity at the end of the season, and I’m so excited for the final round in Spain. I don’t think anyone expected us to come out of this GP with the red plate. We worked really hard on the bike this weekend, and I think my riding was great. We got the points we were aiming for, and I’m super, super happy - I still can’t believe it! Let’s get the title in Spain!”

Jeffrey Herlings: “The silly crash in Turkey meant I broke two ribs and although I could ride today it was anything but nice! The championship was out of the picture so I just wanted to do what I could and go home safely. It was short trip and tough for the body but I’m a big fan of the one-day format. It’s been good to come here. It’s a world championship so we should be here and is positive for the brands. It was a good event and the track was nice. My ultimate goal was to finish the season this year and go the whole way for the first time since 2017 without missing one race and we’re almost there.”

Romain Febvre: "I took a decent start around fifth in the first moto and I was clearly faster than the others so I could pass everyone to take the lead and make a gap for the win. It's really tough out there for everyone with the humidity - the same like Indonesia - and there was just a short break and less time to recover before race two. It was a good solution to complete the GP before the tornado arrived; we all had to manage as well as possible but I don't think we would want to do it regularly. I know others were struggling in the heat and it's a shock for the body but everybody has to deal with it; I never seem to have a bad time in hot conditions. I didn't get a good jump in race two but I rode a good first few turns to come out top-five again. I used a lot of energy to pass Fernandez for third and I had already given a lot in race one because I wanted that moto win so much; I was faster but had to fight hard to pass him and the leaders were gone by the time I came third so I had to settle for that position and second overall."

Kay de Wolf: "I gave it everything out there today. The conditions were tough with the heat and the threat of the typhoon, but I’m happy with my performance overall. After taking the lead in the second moto, I made a small mistake that cost me, but I’m glad I managed to fight back and secure second. Lucas is closing the gap in the standings, so I know I have to stay sharp. It's going to be an exciting final round in Spain, and I’m ready to give it everything to bring home the title!"

Lucas Coenen: "I need to push, and get every single point I can - we only have one race left now. The heat here in China has been very intense; when you stop the race it is actually more, so it has been important to try to recover physically. I want to say sorry to Liam Everts, it was a total mistake to make contact, and I hope he is ok! For the championship, I’ve got my fight on now - I want to beat him [Kay de Wolf], and just win every race. I’m doing everything I can, so let’s see how things go at the final race in Spain. Let’s go!"

Jeremy Seewer: "The day started so well with the holeshot and some good laps in race one, but then we had a small problem and I just had to survive. I kept myself hydrated and felt fit and ready for race two despite the tight schedule. I was looking at another top-three start but I just got unlucky when the guy directly in front of me tried too much. Hopefully I should be fine; we'll see in a few days."

Tim Gajser: After having such a consistent season, to have a day like today at such a crucial time is hard to take. To lose the championship red-plate with one round left is definitely not what I wanted to happen and now I know that with three races to go, I have to win them all. It isn’t an ideal situation but I will keep fighting and give my all until the very end.

Thibault Benistant: Today was OK, but I had bad starts and felt a little tight. I didn’t ride very well in Race One, and then in Race Two, I tried not to be so aggressive when braking and that seemed to help a lot. With the short time between races today, it wasn’t too bad as I’m in pretty good shape. It was hard for sure, but it was OK

Karlis Reisulis: The last couple of weeks I’ve had a fever and I’ve not been sleeping very well, so I got tired at the end of each race, which is to be expected. I had a good first race going as I started fourth and then moved into third, but then my fever caught up with me and I’ve never been so tired in my life. Race Two started better with a holeshot, and then I led for around 20 minutes until I crashed. I lost a lot of places and ended up seventh in that one. Considering that I’m not 100%, I’m happy with how today went.

Ruben Fernandez: It felt really good to lead some laps in the first moto and I am really happy with my progress since coming back into the series. To get fourth overall is ahead of where I expected to be, and it gives me a lot of confidence heading into the final round in Spain where I hope to be challenging for the podium. My starts were good and my riding was strong for most of the races in what were very difficult conditions, so very happy.

Ferruccio Zanchi: Difficult weekend but there were still some positives with my riding here in China. I got 10th overall, which isn’t where I wanted to be coming into the weekend, but with all the changes in the schedule and the weather conditions it became a very difficult day. I kept pushing though and it was good to experience the race here and having done all the overseas now, it has certainly given me a lot of things I know I can improve upon.

Andrea Adamo: “The weekend was OK but the plans changed a lot and the one-day format was strange and meant everyone had to adapt. I prefer the two days and it was hot and a lot to deal with in one morning here. Anyway, not too bad, not amazing and we’ll focus on getting better in Spain and ending the season strongly.”

Simon Längenfelder: "We had a different format this weekend because of the typhoon coming in, but I enjoyed the format all the same. The track was great with high speed, and big jumps. The conditions were super tough with the heat and humidity. I tried to stay consistent and fight as hard as I could in both motos. Finishing with P2 in the first moto and P3 in the second is great and of course to get another podium feels great, and it puts me in a strong position heading into the final round. Now, I'm focused on giving everything I have in Spain."

Maxime Renaux: "This was not the easiest weekend. In the first moto I had a bad start but I managed to move forwards. I nicely passed Seewer for the fifth position but then the next turn I crashed. That was a bummer. I dropped back to place seven but later on I managed to win one spot. In the second moto my start was better. I was in P3 but crashed in the first turn and got some riders on top of me. Luckily I have no serious injuries although I’m now battered and bruised."

Andrea Bonacorsi: "Just within the top 10, that’s okay. Although I didn’t feel good during the morning time practice. I was still tired from the journey, I suffered from jetlag. Luckily I felt better during the motos. In the first moto I was fighting hard for a place within the top ten when Gajser did a block pass and we both crashed. My bike was damaged so I got stuck in P12. In the second moto I had a rather good start and soon managed to move forwards to P7. A position I kept until the finish. I have learnt a lot again and I keep making progress.”

Mikkel Haarup: “That’s the weekend in China wrapped up and it turned out to be a short one because of the weather forecast. But with the team, we made the best out of it and finished fourth overall. I was battling inside the top five in both races and finished fifth and fourth so that was pretty solid. Now we head back to our base in Europe and then it’s on to Spain for the final round.”

Camden McLellan: “It’s been a bit of a tough day for me here in China. I struggled a little bit early on as we didn’t have our normal Saturday practice sessions but by race time, I felt good on the bike. Down the start straight in race one I banged bars with a few guys and was pretty much dead last. It was pretty chaotic trying to make passes but I worked my way up to seventh and found some space on the track. In the second one I had a great start, passed Lucas Coenen, and the race was going really well. Then I slid out and fell, and the heat hit me hard as I was getting up. I got going and finished eighth, for sixth overall, so it wasn’t a too bad end to the day.”

Mattia Guadagnini: "It was a challenging weekend with the changing weather and track conditions, but I’m pleased with my consistency. I managed to finish 9th in both motos, which earned me valuable points in the championship. The humidity and winds made it tough, but I felt strong on the bike. Now, it's all about finishing the season on a high note in Spain and securing the best result possible in the final standings!"

Glenn Coldenhoff: “Physically, I didn’t feel great today. I woke up at 2:30 in the night and couldn’t get back to sleep. Then I had a crash in the morning and just couldn’t find that extra bit I needed. At least my start was good in the first moto. I kept my pace; I didn’t do anything special, but I managed to finish fifth. I wasn’t far off fourth in the end, so that was positive. My start wasn’t as good in race 2, and on the first lap, another rider crashed in front of me and I couldn’t avoid him. I remounted almost last but came back to eight. I gave everything, I tried to gain one more spot for fifth overall, but came up just short. A 5-8 result for 6th overall is not what we are aiming for but we move forward and look ahead. Hopefully we can finish inside the top 5 or even the top 3 at the final round in Spain.”

Brian Bogers: “Actually, I felt better compared to the last few weekends, and my feeling on the bike was pretty good, but it turned out to be a tough day. In the first moto, I had to stop to change my goggles, which cost me too much time, especially with the lap times being so close on this track. In race 2, I was battling around eighth, but we ran into some issues. The team is already working on it, so hopefully, we can finish the season on a high note.”

More rider comments throughout the day, so come back later.

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